
Daiki Consulting

Boost Your Growth with External SDR Teams

Drive your sales department with effective meetings

We boost your sales effectively

At Daiki, we understand that your sales team needs to focus on closing deals, not on the tedious task of prospecting. Our SDR team specializes in scheduling qualified meetings so your salespeople can focus on what they do best: turning prospects into customers.

We handle the prospecting, deal with the negative responses, and manage all calls, ensuring that your team doesn't waste time or lose motivation. We know how frustrating it can be to face one "No" after another, so let us take care of those interactions and keep your team motivated, moving from one meeting to the next with highly qualified leads.

With Daiki, your salespeople will have more time to focus on what truly matters: closing deals and growing your business.



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Frequently asked questions

1. What is Daiki Consulting?

Daiki Consulting is a company specialised in offering external SDR services. We take care of the prospecting and schedule qualified meetings so that your sales team can concentrate on closing deals and growing your business. We also specialise in B2B business.

2. What is an external SDR team?

An external SDR team is dedicated to prospecting leads and managing the early stages of the sales cycle, allowing your internal team to focus on closing sales. At Daiki, our team handles this crucial phase efficiently and professionally.

3. What services does Daiki Consulting offer?

We offer client prospecting, qualified meeting scheduling and negative response management services to help your sales team stay focused on closing deals and achieving their sales goals.

4. How can Daiki help my sales team?

We take care of the most tedious part of the sales process: prospecting and scheduling qualified meetings. This allows your team to concentrate on closing deals, increasing their productivity and motivation.

5. What kind of companies benefit from Daiki Consulting's services?

Our services are designed for companies looking to optimise their sales process, especially those that need to increase the number of qualified meetings to close more business. We work with companies of all sizes and sectors.

6. What results can I expect when I hire Daiki Consulting?

You can expect a significant improvement in the quality of leads and the number of qualified meetings scheduled. Our team focuses on ensuring that each meeting is with prospects that have a high potential to become customers.